Transalp by bike

The start of the bike travel will take place in Altenburg, follows the south along bavaria straight to Munich. Picking up Matthias and following the "Brennerpass" to Verona and later to Rome. Below are some impressions of this trip. An extendet report will be displayed here after the trip (maybe in the beginning of May) (; . Cheers, Andy



Der Start der Fahrradreise wird im Altenburger Land stattfinden, und dann geradewegs nach Süden durch Bayern nach München verlaufen. In München sammel ich dann Matthias auf, wobei es dann weiter über den Brennerpass nach Verona und Rom geht. Ein ausführlicher Bericht erfolgt auf dieser Seite dann nach der Reise. Bis dann, cheers, Andreas (:

Below are the live updates of pictures, taken and uploaded during the trip.  //

Darunter sind einige Aufnahmen in chronologischer Reihenfolge zur Tour.

The trip starts right here: Ehrenhain, my home (04.04.2017)
The trip starts right here: Ehrenhain, my home (04.04.2017)
Impression of a bridge: The Göltzschtal bridge (04.04.2017)
Impression of a bridge: The Göltzschtal bridge (04.04.2017)
A short pass through the Fränkische Schweiz (05.04.2017)
A short pass through the Fränkische Schweiz (05.04.2017)
Close to Nuremberg. a sheep farmer leads his sheeps along the only path in direction Nuremberg (05.04.2017)
Close to Nuremberg. a sheep farmer leads his sheeps along the only path in direction Nuremberg (05.04.2017)
Had been long and tiring 523 km from my home to Munich. finally, I'm here. (07.04.2017)
Had been long and tiring 523 km from my home to Munich. finally, I'm here. (07.04.2017)
The following part of the trip (Munich - Rome) will be together with Matthias. (08.04.2017)
The following part of the trip (Munich - Rome) will be together with Matthias. (08.04.2017)
The second part of this bike trip brought us from Munich along the Aachen lake to Austria (Jenbach). (08.04.2017)
The second part of this bike trip brought us from Munich along the Aachen lake to Austria (Jenbach). (08.04.2017)
"Over the hills and far away", about 40 km from Insbruck to Brenner steady hill climb was tough. well love to fall into our sleeping. (09.04.2017)
"Over the hills and far away", about 40 km from Insbruck to Brenner steady hill climb was tough. well love to fall into our sleeping. (09.04.2017)
On the way to the south, exiting the alps. here, close to Brixen. (10.04.2017)
On the way to the south, exiting the alps. here, close to Brixen. (10.04.2017)
we arrived after a long and exhausting day (head winds) at lake Garda. (11.04.2017)
we arrived after a long and exhausting day (head winds) at lake Garda. (11.04.2017)
Verona! Impressive buildings and a lot of tourists everywhere. We took the road further down along the Po area afterwards (12.04.2017).
Verona! Impressive buildings and a lot of tourists everywhere. We took the road further down along the Po area afterwards (12.04.2017).
A 'pretty' deformed road in the middle range mountains between Bologna and Lago di Suviana. This passage took us some time to find the way through the remains of this road (which was taken away after a slope collapse). (14.04.2017)
A 'pretty' deformed road in the middle range mountains between Bologna and Lago di Suviana. This passage took us some time to find the way through the remains of this road (which was taken away after a slope collapse). (14.04.2017)
The first time, as we'd no sun. And it felt soo refreshing! The passage from Lago di Suviana to the town Firenze. (14.04.17)
The first time, as we'd no sun. And it felt soo refreshing! The passage from Lago di Suviana to the town Firenze. (14.04.17)
yes, and we even crossed the famous bridge (Ponte Veccino) of Firenze! (15.04.2017)
yes, and we even crossed the famous bridge (Ponte Veccino) of Firenze! (15.04.2017)
After 15 exhausting days and about 1800 km, we arrived in Rome. Even the last day to Rome counts to one of thardest etappes of the whole trip. (18.04.2017) [The next day after the arrival, by the Colloseum (all four bags had been stored at camp site)]
After 15 exhausting days and about 1800 km, we arrived in Rome. Even the last day to Rome counts to one of thardest etappes of the whole trip. (18.04.2017) [The next day after the arrival, by the Colloseum (all four bags had been stored at camp site)]

Transalp on foot

For this classic one, the E5 from Oberstdorf (GER) to Merano (IT), this time span in the middle of May was to early. During the whole month of April, a lot of snow fell down, burying the Alps under an at least 2 m thick layer of snow. A lot more snow, as of the whole winter time before this year.

Anyway, Alex and I did it, got up at 4 a. m. almost every morning, went over all these snow fields and mountain passages into the summerish south tyrol, just to manage one more ice and snow covered mountain (the 'Hirzer' passage 2683 m) down to Merano.



Diese klassische Route über die Alpen, den E5 (Oberstdorf-Meran) begeht man eigentlich ab Mitte Juni. Starke Schneefälle hatten im Monat April dafür gesorgt, mind. 2m Schnee ab einer Höhe von 1800 m am Berg die Transalp komplizierter machten. Aufgrund der z.T. sommerlichen Wärme brachen wir i.d.R. vor Sonnenaufgang auf, um die Chance, einer Lawine zu begegen, zu vermindern.

There we are, Alex and I made it on top of the last passage (21.05.), healthy but tired.
There we are, Alex and I made it on top of the last passage (21.05.), healthy but tired.

We thought, an ice axe and crampons should be enough, to count this equipment to the most basic one to our spring far-distance trip, we had to skip the 3. and 4. stages over high alpine glaciers and hitch-hiked to the entry of the 'Timmelsjoch'.


Wir gingen mitte Mai los, und dachten, die Grundausrüstung, bestehend aus Eisaxt und Steigeisen reicht für den Meraner Höhenweg aus. Da sich wegen des vielen Schnees und der Gletscher während Etappe 3 & 4 die Sache zu einer ordentlichen Hochtour ausgeweitet hätte, ließen wir diese aus, und trampten bis zum Timmelsjoch.

One of the most crazy experiences of this trips was the passage of the 'Timmelsjoch' through 2.5 - 6 m high snow towers, strong winds, rain and fog (or deep clouds). One more deep experience was the failure of the passage along the 'Seescharte' (2599 m). A snow swipe was stopping us on the top of the passage; because of the high temperature (we missed the right way and arrived late at the passage), we could have caused an avalanche.


Die verrücktesten Momente erlebten wir am verlassenen Timmelsjoch (2474 m), als wir durch 2.5 - 6 m tiefe freigefräßte Schneepassagen entlag gingen. Ein weiteres einschneidendes Erlebnis war der Abbruch der Tagesetappe über die Seescharte (2599 m). Genau auf dem Pass hatte sich zum Südhang hin uns entgegen eine Schneewehe aufgetürmt. Wären wir diese abgestiegen, so hätten wir mit hoher Sicherheit eine Lawine ausgelöst. Denn der Schnee war durch die intensive Mittagssonne schon sehr weich geworden (wir hatten uns ärgerlicherweise vorher verlaufen, und waren zu spät an die Passage gekommen).

At the Timmelsjoch (19.05.). Compare Alex with the snow height!
At the Timmelsjoch (19.05.). Compare Alex with the snow height!

In the end, we arrived in Merano at 30°C (!) from the Hirzer passage (-2°C, storm), after exactly 7 days, having a tough, challenging but good time.

As a relaxing day in Merano, we went climbing and eating mountains of pizzas (;.


Der letzte Übergang über den Hirzer von St. Leonhard i. P. nach Merano verlief über die Hirzer Scharte (2683 m). Gefrorenes Eis uns Schnee machten aus diesem Steilhang bei starkem Wind und -2°C eine gut begehbare Strecke.

So kamen wir bereits nach exakt 7 Tagen in Merano und 30°C (!) an, und erholten uns bei Türmen aus Pizzen und beim Klettern von der Tour. (;

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